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Fabric Documentation Contribution Guidelines

This website uses VitePress to generate static HTML from the various Markdown files. You should familiarize yourself with the Markdown extensions that VitePress supports here.

Table of Contents

How to Contribute

It's recommended that you create a new branch on your fork of the repository for each pull request you make. This makes it easier to manage multiple pull requests at once.

If you want to preview your changes locally, you will need to install Node.js 18+

Before running any of these commands, make sure to run npm install to install all dependencies.

Running the development server:

This will allow you to preview your changes locally at localhost:3000 and will automatically reload the page when you make changes.

npm run dev

Building the website:

This will compile all Markdown files into static HTML files and place them in .vitepress/dist

npm run build

Previewing the built website:

This will start a local server on port 3000 serving the content found in .vitepress/dist

npm run preview

Contributing Framework

Framework refers to the internal structure of the website, any pull requests that modify the framework of the website should be labeled with the framework label.

You should really only make framework pull requests after consulting with the documentation team on the Fabric Discord or via an issue.

Note: Modifying sidebar files and the navigation bar configuration does not count as a framework pull request.

Contributing Content

Content contributions are the main way to contribute to the Fabric Documentation.

All content should follow our style guidelines.

Style Guidelines

All pages on the Fabric Documentation website should follow the style guide. If you are unsure about anything, you can ask in the Fabric Discord or via GitHub Discussions.

The style guide is as follows:

  1. All pages must have a title and description in the frontmatter.

    title: This is the title of the page
    description: This is the description of the page
      - GitHubUsernameHere
    # ...
  2. If you create or modify pages containing code, place the code in an appropriate location within the reference mod (located in the /reference folder of the repository). Then, use the code snippet feature offered by VitePress to embed the code, or if you need a greater span of control, you can use the transclude feature from markdown-it-vuepress-code-snippet-enhanced.


    <<< @/reference/latest/src/main/java/com/example/docs/{15-21 java}

    This will embed lines 15-21 of the file in the reference mod.

    The resulting code snippet will look like this:

      public void onInitialize() {
        // This code runs as soon as Minecraft is in a mod-load-ready state.
        // However, some things (like resources) may still be uninitialized.
        // Proceed with mild caution.
   "Hello Fabric world!");

    Transclude Example:

    @[code transcludeWith=#test_transclude](@/reference/.../

    This will embed the sections of that are marked with the #test_transclude tag.

    For example:

    public final String test = "Bye World!"
    // #test_transclude
    public void test() {
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
    // #test_transclude

    Only the code between the #test_transclude tags will be embedded.

    public void test() {
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
  3. All original documentation is written in English, following the American rules of grammar. While you can use LanguageTool to check your grammar as you type, don't stress too much about it. Our documentation team will review and correct grammar during the cleanup stage. However, making an effort to get it right initially can save us time.

  4. If you're creating a new section, you should create a new sidebar in the .vitepress/sidebars folder and add it to the config.mts file. If you need assistance with this, please ask in the Fabric Discord's #docs channel.

  5. When creating a new page, you should add it to the relevant sidebar in the .vitepress/sidebars folder. Again, if you need assistance, ask in the Fabric Discord in the #docs channel.

  6. Any images should be placed in a suitable place in the /assets folder.

  7. ⚠️ When linking other pages, use relative links. ⚠️

    This is because of the versioning system in place, which will process the links to add the version beforehand. If you use absolute links, the version number will not be added to the link.

    For example, for a page in the /players folder, to link to the installing-fabric page found in /players/, you would have to do the following:

    [This is a link to another page](./

    You should NOT do the following:

    [This is a link to another page](/player/

All content contributions go through three stages:

  1. Guidance for Expansion (if needed)
  2. Content Verification
  3. Cleanup (Grammar etc.)

Guidance for Expansion

If the documentation team thinks that you could expand upon your pull request, a member of the team will add the can-expand label to your pull request alongside a comment explaining what they think you could expand upon. If you agree with the suggestion, you can expand upon your pull request.

Don't feel pressured to expand upon your pull request. If you don't want to expand upon your pull request, you can simply ask for the can-expand label to be removed.

If you do not want to expand upon your pull request, but you are happy for someone else to expand upon it at a later date, it's best to create an issue on the Issues page and explain what you think could be expanded upon.

Content Verification

All pull requests adding content undergo content verification, this is the most important stage as it ensures that the content is accurate and follows the Fabric Documentation style guide.


This stage is where the documentation team will fix any grammar issues and make any other changes they deem necessary before merging the pull request!

Translating Documentation

If you want to translate the documentation into your language, you can do this on the Fabric Crowdin page.